How do I do a search in a particular magazine?


  1. From the Library's home page, click on the tab Journals A-Z. 
  2. Search for the journal/magazine by title.  The results show which of our databases include the publication you searched for. 
  3. Most journals appear in more than one database. You can click on the link to any of the the databases (for example, Academic Search Complete), that cover the time period you are looking for.
  4. When you do this, you will be taken to the record for the journal in that particular database.  
  5. Search within the publication and narrow the date parameters as needed.
  6. As an alternate approach, you will also see all of the issues of the journal or magazine listed chronologically.  Click on any issue to view its contents and frequently the full-text of the article is available to print, email to yourself or save,
  • Last Updated Sep 11, 2020
  • Views 59
  • Answered By Catherine Medeot

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