Where can I find material online on an artist?
There are a few places where you can start your research.
Freely Available Online Resources
The Art Libraries Society of North America has an excellent list of freely available online art resources.
The Getty Research Institute provides access to the following search tools and Getty Vocabularies: Art & Architecture Thesaurus, Cultural Objects Name Authority, Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, Union List of Artist Names.
Use Wikipedia with care. It's a great resource to use to get familiar with a topic (names, dates, specialized language) but it typically can NOT be used as a source. However, take a look at the references listed at the bottom of a Wikipedia article as you may find reliable sources cited that you CAN use. We can help if you need help finding one of those sources, just ask a librarian!
Databases Available Through the Manhattanville College Library (use your Mville credentials to log in off campus)
The library subscribes to several databases that also provide access to art related materials:
If you need images of your artist's work, you can search ArtStor.
JSTOR provides access to scholarly full-text articles and ebooks.
Ebsco's eBook Collection also has art and art history ebooks. Click on advanced search, type "art" into the search box and click on the pull down arrow next to the "Select a Field (optional)" box. Choose "SU Subject" and then click "Search." You may of course try other searches in Advanced Search as well - the suggestion above will give you an idea of the breadth of art books available in this database.